Energy & Alternatives

Everything You Need to Know About Renewable vs Non-Renewable Energy for Energy Preservation

Renewable vs Non-Renewable Energy

There has been heated debate on renewable vs non-renewable energy, and the advantages and disadvantages of using renewable and or non-renewable energy. Global warming has become a hot topic with different sides weighing in on the matter.

I believe that only through our actions today can we guarantee a better, brighter future for the next generation. We should utilize clean, renewable energy sources rather than finite earth resources, and work together to create a greener planet.

The biggest benefits of using, storing, and extracting non-renewable energy are relatively simple, but there is one significant drawback. For millions of years, there will be no replenishment of non-renewable energy. That indicates that ultimately non-renewable energy sources like fossil fuels, natural gas, and petroleum will run out on earth. Switching to renewable energy from non-renewable sources is one of many strategies to start a sustainable journey that will enable us to store this non-refundable form of energy for another million years.

Sources of Non-Renewable Energy

Fossil fuels, natural gas, and petroleum are the main non-renewable energy sources. The landscape of the world was very different from what it is today, hundreds of millions of years ago. Shallow oceans and muddy woodlands were dominant. These wetlands supported a variety of plant species as well as algae, phytoplankton, and zooplankton. As plants do, they employed photosynthesis to produce food and store energy in their bodies. When they died, a tremendous quantity of energy was stored as their organisms blended with the soil and seafloor. There are hundreds of these underground spaces, or reservoirs, on the planet today. We refer to this energy as non-renewable energy.

Non-renewable energy Source: FEURGY


It’s not particularly difficult to extract energy from subsurface energy reserves. The mining industry is making money off of this venture all over the world. Additionally, the extraction process is much simpler. Non-renewable energy can be converted and stored in any practical manner. Therefore, the main benefit might be deemed to be usability. The Earth still has enough energy to supply all of our energy and electricity requirements for thousands of years.

However, it is equally undeniable that the earth’s reservoirs are getting smaller with each passing year. The world’s population is expanding quickly, which is driving up the demand for energy and resources. Our reliance on non-renewable energy sources could cause the planet to become incapable of producing enough energy.

The majority of non-renewable energy sources contain carbon. This carbon combines with the oxygen already present in the environment when we burn this type of energy to utilise it, creating carbon dioxide, generating the greenhouse effect and raising carbon footprints. All of them have an impact on the planet’s sensitive carbon budget and atmospheric equilibrium.

Which Alternative Energy Sources Exist?

5 sources of alternative energy
Credit: Earth How


For years, climatologists and scientists have been trying to figure out how to reduce our reliance on non-renewable energy sources while yet protecting them for future generations. Renewable energy, solar energy, recycled materials, and energy conservation are a few of the extensively used methods of the alternative energy consumption movement. Numerous projects involving solar power plants, wind turbines, hydropower facilities, and nuclear energy plants are receiving millions of dollars in funding from around the world.

The Tech Sector is Making Moves

Even while this movement has been around for a while, it has only recently picked up steam. Many well-known figures, like Gates, Zuckerberg, Branson, and Reid Hoffman, the creator of LinkedIn, are stepping out to make investments in climate and environmental challenges. The recent change in Tesla Motors’ motto from “Tesla’s mission is to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable transport” to “Tesla’s mission is to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy” signifies the company’s commitment to sustainability.

The government is more concerned than ever before about carbon emissions and energy efficiency.

Governments from a number of nations have proposed and enacted regulations to reduce the use of non-renewable energy, lower overall energy consumption, and recognize and award sustainable homes that use renewable energy to motivate people to use less energy. For instance, the Australian government has mandated that all new houses and homes must have a 6-star energy rating, as verified by an energy rating assessor. In the UK, homes are rated on a scale from A (the most efficient) to G. (least efficient).

The world’s supply of fossil fuels and energy resources won’t run out overnight. It’s more like a slow poisoning that will bring about the worst possible outcome. We can all avoid it and guarantee a green, healthy planet for the next generation by being a little more aware of our actions and putting in a little extra effort.

Iniobong Umoh is a creative writer and researcher with an interest in multi-contextual fields. A passionate writer who writes with a focus on simplifying and breaking down concepts, topics, and ideas thus making for easy reading by the target audience. His works have been featured on a variety of online and offline platforms. He serves as a content writer and editor at and can be reached at

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